A lonely, striking older woman and a shy young student who delivers flowers as a part-time job are attracted to each other in this engaging story. It is the mid-1960s and Hermann (Torstein Hølmebakk) buys Beatles records like everyone else, he also indulges in an erotic magazine or two to satisfy a growing curiosity about sex, and he is not actively pursuing his occasional date Unni (Karoline Waal). Instead, Hermann"s imagination has been quickened by Rose (Lise Fjeldstad), a woman who orders flowers for herself on a regular basis. As Rose tells Hermann the story of how she used to work in the circus in a trapeze act but was deserted by her lover when she became pregnant, Hermann is even more enthralled by her appeal as a woman...and a close encounter of the traditional kind seems almost inevitable....更多好看的电影,最新电视剧,好看的动漫,最新一期综艺节目尽在www.zhaizhai8.cc仔仔网。欲火之花电影完整版,欲火之花百度云高清免费在线观看由仔仔网提供,如果您觉得本站不错,请推荐给您的好友吧!
A lonely, striking older woman and a shy young student who delivers flowers as a part-time job are attracted to each other in this engaging story. It is the mid-1960s and Hermann (Torstein Hølmebakk) buys Beatles records like everyone else, he also indulges in an erotic magazine or two to satisfy a growing curiosity about sex, and he is not actively pursuing his occasional date Unni (Karoline Waal). Instead, Hermann"s imagination has been quickened by Rose (Lise Fjeldstad), a woman who orders flowers for herself on a regular basis. As Rose tells Hermann the story of how she used to work in the circus in a trapeze act but was deserted by her lover when she became pregnant, Hermann is even more enthralled by her appeal as a woman...and a close encounter of the traditional kind seems almost inevitable.