The movie opens with a trip out, psycho 70s scene inside a dance/live sex club. This lasts a few minutes, the best in the movie, and then it changes over to a fairly tame Italian sex comedy. "Billy" has come to the Middle East to visit with "Andrea". From the minute he starts talking to the end of the film, he is constantly complaining about every little thing, about his impounded auto, the fact that women won"t have sex with him, etc. Literally every bit of dialogue is full of his bitching. All of his "conversations" with "Andrea" are negative arguments trying to pass as comedy. In addition, the English dubbed voice is this abrasive, whiny man that will make you want to turn the volume off. The soundtrack by Alberto Baldan Bembo is fantastic and the best thing about this film. My advice: get the soundtrack, skip the movie....更多好看的电影,最新电视剧,好看的动漫,最新一期综艺节目尽在www.zhaizhai8.cc仔仔网。艾曼纽的银舌电影完整版,艾曼纽的银舌百度云高清免费在线观看由仔仔网提供,如果您觉得本站不错,请推荐给您的好友吧!
The movie opens with a trip out, psycho 70s scene inside a dance/live sex club. This lasts a few minutes, the best in the movie, and then it changes over to a fairly tame Italian sex comedy. "Billy" has come to the Middle East to visit with "Andrea". From the minute he starts talking to the end of the film, he is constantly complaining about every little thing, about his impounded auto, the fact that women won"t have sex with him, etc. Literally every bit of dialogue is full of his bitching. All of his "conversations" with "Andrea" are negative arguments trying to pass as comedy. In addition, the English dubbed voice is this abrasive, whiny man that will make you want to turn the volume off. The soundtrack by Alberto Baldan Bembo is fantastic and the best thing about this film. My advice: get the soundtrack, skip the movie.