Every seven years in an unsuspecting town, The Tournament takes place. A battle royale between 30 of the world"s deadliest assassins. The last man standing receiving the $10,000,000 cash prize and the title of Worlds No 1, which itself carries the legendary million dollar a bullet price tag. Every ten years in an unsuspecting town, The Tournament takes place. A battle royale between 40 of the world"s deadliest assassins. The last man standing receiving the $10,000,000 cash prize and the title of Worlds No1, which itself carries the legendary million dollar a bullet price tag. All fights are monitored 24hrs a day on redirected CCTV cameras and broadcast secretly to a ring of high stake billionaire gamblers. A gritty, multistranded action-thriller, The Tournament brings together international killers from every imaginable discipline in a blood-bathed contest to the death. We follow the competition favourites through stories of love, betrayal, revenge and redemption as they finally discover the true value of lifemonitored 24hrs a day on redirected CCTV cameras and broadcast secretly to a ring of high stake billionaire gamblers. A gritty, multistranded action-thriller, The Tournament brings together international killers from every imaginable discipline in a blood-bathed contest to the death. We follow the competition favourites through stories of love, betrayal, revenge and redemption as they finally discover the true value of life...更多好看的电影,最新电视剧,好看的动漫,最新一期综艺节目尽在www.zhaizhai8.cc仔仔网。杀人锦标赛电影完整版,杀人锦标赛百度云高清免费在线观看由仔仔网提供,如果您觉得本站不错,请推荐给您的好友吧!
Every seven years in an unsuspecting town, The Tournament takes place. A battle royale between 30 of the world"s deadliest assassins. The last man standing receiving the $10,000,000 cash prize and the title of Worlds No 1, which itself carries the legendary million dollar a bullet price tag. Every ten years in an unsuspecting town, The Tournament takes place. A battle royale between 40 of the world"s deadliest assassins. The last man standing receiving the $10,000,000 cash prize and the title of Worlds No1, which itself carries the legendary million dollar a bullet price tag. All fights are monitored 24hrs a day on redirected CCTV cameras and broadcast secretly to a ring of high stake billionaire gamblers. A gritty, multistranded action-thriller, The Tournament brings together international killers from every imaginable discipline in a blood-bathed contest to the death. We follow the competition favourites through stories of love, betrayal, revenge and redemption as they finally discover the true value of lifemonitored 24hrs a day on redirected CCTV cameras and broadcast secretly to a ring of high stake billionaire gamblers. A gritty, multistranded action-thriller, The Tournament brings together international killers from every imaginable discipline in a blood-bathed contest to the death. We follow the competition favourites through stories of love, betrayal, revenge and redemption as they finally discover the true value of life