剧本由马蒂亚斯·卡鲁索创作,故事讲述一种病毒感染了一个公司的法务部,而在同一天律师德里克·桑德斯被同事陷害并且被不公平地开除。这种感染会使人们表现出最原始和野性的冲动。被困在被隔离的大楼里,我们的英雄主人公只能竭尽全力通过野蛮地拼斗,夺回属于自己的工作和人生.Matias Caruso penned the script, which tells the story of a virus that infects a corporate law office on the day attorney Derek Saunders (Yeun) is framed by a co-worker and wrongfully fired. The infection is capable of making people act out their wildest impulses. Trapped in the quarantined building, our hero is forced to savagely fight tooth and nail for not only his job but his life. Info from variety....更多好看的电影,最新电视剧,好看的动漫,最新一期综艺节目尽在www.zhaizhai8.cc仔仔网。大骚乱电影完整版,大骚乱百度云高清免费在线观看由仔仔网提供,如果您觉得本站不错,请推荐给您的好友吧!
剧本由马蒂亚斯·卡鲁索创作,故事讲述一种病毒感染了一个公司的法务部,而在同一天律师德里克·桑德斯被同事陷害并且被不公平地开除。这种感染会使人们表现出最原始和野性的冲动。被困在被隔离的大楼里,我们的英雄主人公只能竭尽全力通过野蛮地拼斗,夺回属于自己的工作和人生.Matias Caruso penned the script, which tells the story of a virus that infects a corporate law office on the day attorney Derek Saunders (Yeun) is framed by a co-worker and wrongfully fired. The infection is capable of making people act out their wildest impulses. Trapped in the quarantined building, our hero is forced to savagely fight tooth and nail for not only his job but his life. Info from variety.