Bold and gripping, Undercover is a new six-part thriller written by Peter Moffat for BBC One. The drama follows Maya (Sophie Okonedo), a spirited and passionate barrister who is about to become the first black Director of Public Prosecutions. But just as Maya’s life comes under intense public scrutiny, she discovers that Nick (Adrian Lester), her husband and the father of her children, has been lying to her for years. His web of lies threatens to destroy everything she’s worked so hard for – including and most importantly the case she’s based her entire career on. Undercover tackles controversial and challenging issues that impact society on a global scale, with the narrative revealed over different time frames in both the US and UK - weaving a tale of corruption, betrayal, and miscarriages of justice....更多好看的电影,最新电视剧,好看的动漫,最新一期综艺节目尽在www.zhaizhai8.cc仔仔网。卧底丑闻 第一季全集,卧底丑闻 第一季百度云高清免费在线观看由仔仔网提供,如果您觉得本站不错,请推荐给您的好友吧!
Bold and gripping, Undercover is a new six-part thriller written by Peter Moffat for BBC One. The drama follows Maya (Sophie Okonedo), a spirited and passionate barrister who is about to become the first black Director of Public Prosecutions. But just as Maya’s life comes under intense public scrutiny, she discovers that Nick (Adrian Lester), her husband and the father of her children, has been lying to her for years. His web of lies threatens to destroy everything she’s worked so hard for – including and most importantly the case she’s based her entire career on. Undercover tackles controversial and challenging issues that impact society on a global scale, with the narrative revealed over different time frames in both the US and UK - weaving a tale of corruption, betrayal, and miscarriages of justice.