High-priced prostitutes are being systematically murdered, their corpses mutilated, and a bizarre South American symbol painted in bloo d is found at the scene. The cop investigating is out to solve the crime before his ex wife, a reporter, becomes the next victim.高价妓女是被有系统地杀害,他们的尸体肢解,和一个奇怪的南美符号画在血在现场发现的。警察调查了在他的前妻,一个记者,将成为下一个受害者。...更多好看的电影,最新电视剧,好看的动漫,最新一期综艺节目尽在www.zhaizhai8.cc仔仔网。豪门血劫电影完整版,豪门血劫百度云高清免费在线观看由仔仔网提供,如果您觉得本站不错,请推荐给您的好友吧!
High-priced prostitutes are being systematically murdered, their corpses mutilated, and a bizarre South American symbol painted in bloo d is found at the scene. The cop investigating is out to solve the crime before his ex wife, a reporter, becomes the next victim.高价妓女是被有系统地杀害,他们的尸体肢解,和一个奇怪的南美符号画在血在现场发现的。警察调查了在他的前妻,一个记者,将成为下一个受害者。