John Wraith, mid-40s, regains consciousness in hospital. His wife and daughter dead in a car accident because he fell asleep at the wheel. To find solace he retreats to a tiny remote coastal hamlet where he comes across a troubled 17 year-old girl, Jackie, struggling to come to terms with the murder of her mother during a vicious robbery at their home. A dangerous physical attr......更多好看的电影,最新电视剧,好看的动漫,最新一期综艺节目尽在www.zhaizhai8.cc仔仔网。噩梦初醒电影完整版,噩梦初醒百度云高清免费在线观看由仔仔网提供,如果您觉得本站不错,请推荐给您的好友吧!
John Wraith, mid-40s, regains consciousness in hospital. His wife and daughter dead in a car accident because he fell asleep at the wheel. To find solace he retreats to a tiny remote coastal hamlet where he comes across a troubled 17 year-old girl, Jackie, struggling to come to terms with the murder of her mother during a vicious robbery at their home. A dangerous physical attr...